Christ-Centered, Biblical, Reformed
Drawing Near to God
Worship is God’s deepest calling to each and every human. God is the only God; the Almighty; and the maker of Heaven and Earth (1 Chr. 29:11). God has made us to glorify and enjoy Him (John 1:3). The Father has chosen his people in love (Eph. 1:4-6). The Son, Jesus Christ, has revealed the Father most clearly (Col. 1:15), and redeemed all who belong to him by his life, death, and resurrection (1 Peter 1:18-21). The Spirit applies Jesus’ work to our hearts and enables us to call on God as our Heavenly Father now and forever. (John 6:44, Ezekiel 36:26)
Because God is God, our Creator and Redeemer, our chief calling is to give him worship (Psalm 103; Psalm 107:2). Worship is the motivation and destination of all our other ministries. Each week on the Lord’s Day, we gather in God’s presence to hear and respond to Him. Our services last about an hour and fifteen minutes.

Morning Worship at 9:30am. Sunday School to follow until 12pm.
Join us on Sunday Mornings!
What To Expect
Welcome! We are located in downtown Lake Wales, just one block east of Scenic Hwy at 16 N. 3rd St. Once you make your way here, we will help you find your way around. We have a spot just for you!
What We Believe
We, the members of First Presbyterian Church, in order to carry out God’s mission and move forward together into the next century, profess our life together in Christ and our desire to set forth a united strategy for the work of His church.

True worship is enabled by God’s grace in Jesus Christ. We pray that Jesus is central in all that we do. When we worship, the “audience” is not the people in the pews, but God. It is His
desires we seek to fulfill.

The Bible is God’s Holy word. It is our one rule of faith and practice, including what we do in Christian worship. Following the Bible’s teaching, we focus on the ordinary means of grace. Hearing God’s Word (read and preached), prayer, and sacraments (baptism and the Lord’s Supper), are the avenues God has ordained to communicate His grace to mankind. God uses these outwardly ordinary things we do to accomplish his extraordinary purposes in our lives.

As a member of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, a 200+ year old denomination, we spring from a rich tradition of God-centered and Word-centered worship. The leaders of the Reformation sought to humbly worship as God instructs, not according to man-made traditions. Following generations of faithful Christians, the design of our worship service follows the pattern of the Gospel (God calls us, we repent of our sin, we are assured of our salvation, we hear his Word). We hold to the Westminster Standards as an accurate summary of the Bible. For our governing documents, visit our denominational website below.