Children's Ministry
We welcome the noise and wiggles that children bring.
Building a Foundation of Faith
“Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 19:14
At First Presbyterian, our children’s ministry is designed to invite our children to come to Jesus and to support families as they carry out this task at home. Through Christ-centered worship, biblical teaching, service, fellowship, and fun, we pray that our children will:
- grow in their knowledge and love for God
- build a foundation of faith that will deepen throughout their lives
- share God’s good news with others through personal evangelism
- serve others in Jesus’ name

Morning Worship at 9:30am. Sunday School to follow until 12pm.
Join us on Sunday Mornings!

Worship Hour
We want our children to be growing into adult worshippers, so we include them in our worship service. What better way for kids to learn the language, songs, and movements of worship than to be watching the people of God speak, sing, and pray? We welcome the noise and wiggles that children bring. Our littlest worshippers are welcome in our church nursery until the age of three.
Nursery is available for our youngest attendees. We offer nursery care for babies and toddlers through three years old on Sunday mornings during our Sunday morning worship service at 9:30 a.m. through our small-group time/Sunday school hour (following worship) until 12 p.m. Our trained nursery staff and volunteers will take excellent care of your infants and toddlers while you attend church services. With plenty of toys, books, crawling spaces, snacks, and friendly faces, your children will be back in your arms before they know it! Toddlers who are two and three years old have the option of participating in a Sunday school lesson during nursery time.
Printable Children’s bulletins are available in the Sunday Preparations posted each week.
Sunday School
Every Sunday morning downstairs in our children’s department, a group of amazing kids and the leaders who love to be with them gather to learn more about God, to worship Him together, and to do a fun project that helps us to glorify God through art. We meet at 10:45am in the large room on the right as soon as you get downstairs for breakfast, which usually includes some type of fruit, eggs/sausage/yogurt, and something sweet. At 11:00am we move into the downstairs chapel for worship, and our fantastic children’s music leaders teach, model, and guide our youngest worshippers in participating in musical worship through both singing and playing instruments. Then we transition into the middle room for interactive Bible study and an art project that allows us to engage Biblical truths in new ways. Recently we have created prayer journals featuring stickers of local and national leaders to help us focus on praying for our leaders, prayer bowls out of clay, and lots of paintings! Parents pick up their children at 12:00pm from this middle room.
Our Sunday School teachers have all been background-checked and trained to provide a safe and loving environment for everyone! Parents are asked to sign their children in using our computer system and then turn in the printed tag when picking them up to ensure everyone’s safety. The doors are locked after Sunday School starts to ensure safety, but just ring the bell and we’ll let you in!