Meet the Ministers

SENIOR Minister
Rev. Mackay Smith
Rev. Smith currently serves as the Senior Minister of the First Presbyterian Church of Lake Wales. He is responsible for weekly preaching and teaching, shepherding God’s people as an elder, and administrative oversight of the church. Mackay came to First Presbyterian in 2017 as the Associate Pastor for Discipleship, focusing on our adult small group ministry and our Wednesday night program. In 2021 he served as the Interim Senior Minister and then in 2022 he accepted the call from the congregation and Session to become the Senior Minister.
Mackay was born into a Christian home, and thus enjoyed all of God’s covenant promises throughout his childhood. Growing up in North Carolina, he never knew a time at which he was not surrounded by testimonies of Jesus’ love, and knows that God saved him at an early age. He graduated Erskine College (Philosophy) in 2006, and Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte in 2011. He had the privilege to serve as Associate Pastor for Families at the White Oak ARP Church in Coweta County, GA from 2013-2017. He likes singing baritone, playing a few instruments, reading, seeking out good barbecue in Florida (let him know your recommendations), and serving as the token male in his children’s make believe.
Mackay loves Rachel, his wife. Rachel is the daughter of a citrus grower and was a serious softball player growing up in Polk County. The Smiths were married at First Pres in 2013. God has blessed them with four lively young daughters and a not-so-lively dog. The family enjoys exercise (especially taking walks around Lake Wailes), eating good food, working in the yard, singing, swimming and scuba diving, traveling, and laughing.

Associate Minister of Family Discipleship
Rev. Myers McKinney
Myers was born in Myrtle Beach, SC in 1996 but grew up in Spartanburg, SC under two Christian parents and is the oldest of three sons. Myers was born again at around the age 7 but was not baptized in his childhood SBC church until the age of 14. During high school, God gave Myers a heart-wound, convicting him not just of his individual sins but also of a pharisaical and legalistic attitude festering in his heart. This heart wound gave Myers a greater appreciation of the grace of God in salvation and it spurred him to grow in his personal walk with Christ. After graduating from Spartanburg High School in 2015, Myers pursued a History degree at Wake Forest University, where he also represented the Demon Deacons on the Varsity Cross Country and Track and Field teams. During his college years, Myers continued to experience conviction for his sin and to grow in his walk with Christ. But in addition to this, Myers also started to experience both an inward and outward call to ordained Gospel ministry. Through various campus ministry opportunities, Myers felt God’s pleasure as he preached Christ from scripture and desired further theological education and training so that he could build up Christ’s people in love and with excellence. Upon graduating from Wake Forest in 2019, Myers then pursued a Masters of Divinity degree from Westminster Theological Seminary in Glenside, PA. Myers received a call to be the Associate Minister of Family Discipleship for FPCLW on Wednesday May 24th, 2023 and graduated with his MDiv on the very next day, Thursday May 25th. Myers’ heart towards FPCLW is overflowing with 1)gratitude for the opportunity to do Gospel-ministry for FPCLW 2)eagerness to grow in faithfulness and excellence and 3) affection and love, flowing from Christ’s dying love for FPCLW.