Small Groups

Small Groups

Looking for a small group gathering?

Some of our small group gatherings are meeting in-person, while others are meeting through video conferencing.  Please contact Pastor Mackay if you are interested in returning to or joining a small group gathering as he can direct you to one that will best meet your needs.


You may be interested in using some good resources for discipleship to use at home.  Please see the list below and click on the links to access the online materials. 

Ligonier Ministries has an extensive library of resources that are available online or through their app. If you would like a paper copy of Ligonier’s daily devotional, Tabletalk, please call the church office and we can get one to you.

A video daily devotional by Dr. Derek Thomas of First Presbyterian Church (ARP) in Columbia, SC is a short but wonderful resource.

The ARP Bookstore is a helpful resource for finding reading material that has been vetted by the ARP’s Board of Christian Education.

The World Witness website is a good place to keep up with our missions agency and how they are dealing with coronavirus matters throughout the world.

World Magazine is a Christian news site that has thoughtful articles and resources on current events.

The Gospel Coalition is another website with helpful resources (articles, book reviews, sermons, etc.).

If you have questions about small group ministry, please call Pastor Mackay Smith at 676-0711.


“A gracious God has gifted and called the members of FPC to make disciples who are equipped to worship and serve Him in small groups at FPC through teaching, caring for one another, and serving together – on Sunday mornings and in everyday life.”


“…what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.” – 2 Timothy 2:2

Adult Small Groups seek to grow by seeking a greater knowledge of God through His Word.  Most groups discuss the Sunday sermon, while others utilize Session-approved quarterly curriculum.  Interspersed through various groups are also occasional video series, book studies, and Elective classes where groups can combine to learn together.

“Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.” – John 4:35b

Christians are not only receivers of God’s salvation in Jesus Christ, but heralds of the Good News! Small Groups work to encourage one another to share their faith in their daily lives.

“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.” – I John 4:7

As we have been loved by God, so we are to love one another. Small Groups are a forum where “life together” can take place. Folks in Small Groups have cooked meals for their fellow members in need, shared loss and pain, and encouraged one another to serve God as spouses, parents, and friends.

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” – Galatians 6:9-10

Though prayer, financial support, and “hands on” engagement, groups support the Gospel ministry of First Presbyterian, community relief and service projects, and ARP missionaries around the world.

“We seek to serve one another in four ways:”

  • Pick a group – Talk to friends who are involved in a Small Group, or contact a Group leader. Don’t know where to start? Check out our new Small Group, or talk to Mackay – cell: 704-813-9006
  • Pray – Ask God to guide you to folks who will encourage you in your Christian walk
  • Give it some time – Remember, new relationships take time. Attend the group for a few weeks and be proactive about engaging other believers.

Interested in small group ministry, but not sure how to proceed? Contact Rev. Mackay Smith,  Pastor for Discipleship, 863-676-0711 ext. 105